
WOD – 05/04/16

Thruster: 5×5 @ 5RM

10min AMRAP
5 T2B
10 goblet squats (53/35)
15 double unders / 20 1-leg singles

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A lengthy article (I won’t lie to you), but the gist of the article is that folks who have had rapid weight loss have big problems keeping it off because of how much their metabolism has slowed down during the time they become obese. And even years after they had lost weight their metabolisms still had not re-adjusted, and their bodies are basically trying to get them back to that same obese state. It is a pretty scary thing to think about, and the take-away I had from this article is to never let yourself even get close to this point. Keep your metabolism revving and burning calories … no matter your age:

Tags: double under, may, strength, t2b, thruster

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