
WOD – 09/29/14

thrusters (95/65)

As we have done in the past, this is a monthly re-test of the Fran. The last time we did Fran was on August 28th, so if you tackled her last time, take a look back at what your WOD setup was and replicate it. If you used a black band, use a black band again. If you used 55#, then use 55# again. A test isn’t all that accurate if you change the factors, so set yourself up exactly as you had it in August and see how much you can PR this bad boy!

Helpful Links:
The title of this section should now read “Helpful Links If I Had This Last Week” … because an article about pull-ups won’t be all that helpful the day before we have pull-ups in a workout. BUT! I still like this article from Hammerhead Fitness called “The Assisted Pull Up – Three Great Tools to Help You Get There” where a variety of movements (like ring rows) are talked about as being useful to get you closer to a strict pull-up. There have been articles about ways to better your pull-up before, but never hurts to re-read from a different perspective.

Tags: benchmark, fran, pull-up, sept, thruster

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