
Member Spotlight

After a small hiatus, the CF13S Member Spotlight is back and for the month of January we take a look at a staple in the 6:15am … Jamie Cerino. Don’t be fooled by the quiet entrance of this lululemon fashionista … it takes a very strong willed individual to drag their can out of bed on their day off (which is Monday for those who didn’t know), but Jamie is there week after week. Assuming there are no wall balls or box jumps in the workout.

We chose Jamie this month for her consistency, her “sure, I’ll give it a shot” attitude, her never-ending quest to string together those pull-ups, her genuine laughter at Jenna’s jokes, for staying after class to work on a few extra reps, and for consistently dragging her friends-in-town-visiting to the Saturday morning class (when all they wanted to do is sleep off the previous Friday evening).

We have said it before, and we will say it again … hard work and consistency are the two attributes you want to strive for in the gym above all others. If you come to work, and you come on a regular basis, you will see positive changes in your fitness. Jamie is proof of that.

  1. Member since: February 2014
  2. One word that describes your experience at CF13S is … awesome. This is the 3rd (and favorite) box that I have belonged too. You can’t beat the community you have built at 13stars, it is just a great group of people. Yes, I am aware that is much more than one word
  3. Your favorite and least favorite movements are … handstand push-ups. For some odd reason I love them. And for anyone who has ever seen me box jump the 2nd answer should be obvious.
  4. If you were stranded on an island, the one piece of exercise equipment that you would have with you is … my yoga mat (and yes it is LuLu).
  5. If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why? Kiera Knightly. Other than the paleness I secretly wish I was born with an awesome British accent.
  6. The improvement that you are most proud of, since joining CF13S, is … pull-ups! I may not be able to string together more than 6 but it is getting there.
  7. If you were forced to wear something besides LuLu what would be it? Ugh! I would rather not consider a world without LuLu.
  8. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best, how much do you like Dan’s playlists? A 10! Most people are unaware of my love for 80s cardio. Dan’s collection of Madonna and Eddie Money make my morning workout complete.
  9. What does Ma Cerino think CrossFit is? In one word, FRAN. She and my father tried out a box a few months ago and they had my parents do Fran for a trial workout. Lots of Advil (and wine) later and they were still miserably sore. I don’t think I will ever convince them to try a crazy CrossFit WOD again.
  10. Any advice for people just getting started? Don’t get discouraged if you have to modify most of the movements in the beginning … you will be exchanging that green band for a black one in no time!

Tags: jan, member spotlight

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