Is This Running Weather? 🏃
I was told last week we should start running again with this warmer-than-usual weather. Thoughts on that? Some impressive opening 1RM test numbers from last week! Keep those handy. We’ll need them in a few weeks.
Items for the week…
- We are testing our 5RM thruster, snatch, and power snatch on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (respectively) this week.
NOTE: Amit, when available, we are going to be linking the movements in our weekly workouts to a Youtube video as a refresher of the exercise.
thruster: 5RM
12min EMOM
MIN 1: 20 bench presses (50% of 1RM)
MIN 2: 20 mb step-overs (20/16)
MIN 3: 30-50 double unders
progressive wall ball skill work
18min AMRAP
Level 3
4 kb snatches (53/35)
6 russian swings (53/35)
8 goblet lunges (53/35)
E4MOM 10 presses (40% of 1RM)
Level 2
4 kb snatches (44/26)
6 russian swings (44/26)
8 goblet lunges (44/26)
E4MOM 10 presses (40% of 1RM)
Level 1
4 kb snatches (35/20)
6 russian swings (35/20)
8 goblet lunges (35/20)
E4MOM 10 presses (40% of 1RM)
snatch: 5RM
3 push presses (65% of 1RM)
250m/200m row
1 rope climb
core work
Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds
5 wall balls (20/14)
5 burpee box jumps (20/16)
5 pull-ups
1 hang clean (50% of 1RM hang power clean)
power snatch: 5RM
12min AMRAP
Level 3
5 strict handstand push-ups
5 l-sit ring pull-ups
5 box jumps (30/24)
Level 2
8 push-ups
8 ring rows
5 box jumps (24/20)
Level 1
6 push-ups
6 ring rows
5 box jumps (20/16)
20min AMRAP
23 hang power clean (40% of 1RM)
23 push-ups
23 sit-ups
23 pull-ups
23 wall balls (20/14)
23 calorie row
9AM (partners)
20min AMRAP
23 hang power clean (40% of 1RM)
23 push-ups
23 sit-ups
23 pull-ups
23 wall balls (20/14)
23 calorie row
30min EMOM
MIN 1: 200m row
MIN 2: 1 round of “Cindy”
MIN 3: 2 wall walks
MIN 4: 1 round “Cindy”
MIN 5: rest