
Week of 01/02/23

Oh, Hello There, 2023! ๐Ÿ‘‹

No one is more thrilled that the New Year’s fireworks are over than our d-o-g-s. Hope everyone had a safe evening with family and friends and are ready to start 2023 with all the PRs!

Items for the week…

  1. On Monday we will have 7am, 8am, 9am classes.
  2. Monday will also be a partner workout, so we can fit more folks in class!
  3. The rest of the week will be a regular schedule.
  4. We are starting our next strength cycle this week, and will be testing our 1RM snatch, power snatch, and thruster.

NOTE: Amit, when available, we are going to be linking the movements in our weekly workouts to a Youtube video as a refresher of the exercise.

muscle-up work

3 rounds
P1 1 min max mb cleans (20/14)
P2 1 min max russian swings (53/35)
P1 1 min max mb sit-ups (20/14)
P2 1 min max kb deadlifts (53/35)
P1 1 min max mb lunges (20/14)
P2 1 min max kb push presses (53/35)
P1 & P2 1 min rest
… 3 burpees EMOM

snatch: 1RM (test)

10min AMRAP
30/25 calorie row
20 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
10 push balls (20/14)

thruster: 1RM (test)

15min EMOM
MIN 1: 6-8 strict pull-ups
MIN 2: 14 goblet squats (53/35)
MIN 3: 4-6 strict handstand push-ups

core work

10-8-6-4-2 ring rows + ring dips (L1)
… or 5-4-3-2-1 muscle-ups (L2)
50-40-30-20-10 wall balls (20/14)

power snatch: 1RM (test)

Every 3 minutes for 21 minutes
8 russian swings (70/53)
12 pistols
16 double unders

10 wall walks
20 box jump overs (24/20)
30 pull-ups
40 jumping lunges (2-for-1)
50 hand-release push-ups
60 sit-ups
70 air squats

Break up reps however.

9AM (partners)
22min AMRAP
20 wall walks
30 box jump overs (24/20)
40 pull-ups
50 jumping lunges (2-for-1)
60 hand-release push-ups
70 sit-ups
80 air squats

Partners can break up reps however they choose.

Every 8 minutes for 32 minutes
2 rounds
20 mb sit-ups (20/14)
15 burpee box jumps (20/16)
10 kb snatches (53/35)
max double unders

Tags: jan, new year

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(860) 944-0096
173 Washington Street, Morristown, NJ 07960

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