
Week of 06/24/24

Last Week of June?! 😲

It’s wild how fast this summer is moving, but thrilled that the warm weather and sunshine is here!

Items for the week…

  1. We have week 2 of our progressive toes-to-bars / push-ups work on Thursday.
  2. We also have a partner workout on Thursday! Text a friend now.
  3. We are continuing our strength cycle this week with hang power snatches/snatches on Monday, front rack lunges on Wednesday, and overhead squats on Friday.
  4. Our FIT360 classes will be on Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30pm, and Saturday and Sunday mornings this week.

hang power snatch / snatch: 3RM

15min EMOM
MIN 1: 17/13 (Level 3), 14/11 (Level 2), 11/9 (Level 1) calorie row
MIN 2: 10 front squats (65% Level 3, 60% Level 2, 55% Level 1)
MIN 3: 15 (Level 3), 12 (Level 2), 9 (Level 1) plate push-ups


18min AMRAP
8 kb reverse lunges (35/26; each hand; 2-for-1)
6 burpees
4 kb snatches (35/26; 2-for-1)

22min AMRAP
100 single unders
10 overhead walking lunges (25/15)
10 single-arm kb presses (35/26)
10 mb sit-ups (20/14)

front rack lunges: 3×10 @ 55% b/w

2 rounds of…
5 wall walks
10 kb deadlifts (70/53)
5 bar muscle-ups
3 minute rest
2 rounds of…
4 wall walks
10 russian swings (70/53)
2 rope climbs

progressive gymnastics

P1: 50 double unders
P2: 20 mb cleans (20/14)
P1: 8 super mountain climbers (mc > mc > push-up)
P2: 10 bench presses (50% of 1RM)

P1: 10 burpees
P2: 20 wall balls (20/14)
P1: 8 super mountain climbers (mc > mc > push-up)
P2: 10 see-saw kb push presses (35/26)

overhead squat: 3RM

1000m/800m row
25 pull-ups
750m/600m row
20 knees-to-elbows
500m/400m row
15 toes-to-bars

2 rounds
2 minute 400m/300m row
1 minute max kb squats (53/35; each hand)
2 minute 400m/300m row
1 minute max russian swings (53/35)
2 minute 400m/300m row
1 minute max pull-ups
1 minute rest

Partner WOD
2 rounds
Partner A: 500m/400m row
Partner B: max kb squats (53/35; each hand)
1 minute rest
Partner B: 500m/400m row
Partner A: max kb squats (53/35; each hand)
1 minute rest
Partner A: 500m/400m row
Partner B: max russian swings (53/35)
1 minute rest
Partner B: 500m/400m row
Partner A: max russian swings (53/35)
1 minute rest
Partner A: 500m/400m row
Partner B: pull-ups
1 minute rest
Partner B: 500m/400m row
Partner A: pull-ups

25min EMOM
MIN 1: 30-50 unbroken double unders
MIN 2: 10-15 kb snatches (53/35)
MIN 3: 20 lunges
MIN 4: 6-8 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
MIN 5: 1 minute rest

Tags: june, partners

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(860) 944-0096
173 Washington Street, Morristown, NJ 07960

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