
Week of June 26th

By now everyone has most likely seen a photo or two of Julie, Vicky, Harrison and Evans from the Asbury Park Summer Games this week! An incredible showing by both teams with a 2nd and 8th place finish. I encourage any of our athletes who are interested in trying a competition to go for it. It is always a great experience to test your skills against athletes in our area.

We are also moving strength day to Friday this week (from Wednesday) to spread out the days between our 1RM press and push press re-tests.

Please remember to sign-in to class: If you have questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to shoot us a line at!

Monday – skill (core work) + long metcon
Tuesday – short strength (push press) + short metcon
Wednesday – skill (summer goals) + long metcon
Thursday – short strength (overhead squat) + short metcon
Friday – strength (hang power clean + press)
Saturday – Intro to CrossFit (individuals) @ 8:00am; Intro to CrossFit (partner WOD) @ 9:00am

Tags: june, schedule

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