
WOD – 09/10/15

ring work (dips, push-ups, rows, muscle-ups)

1min max effort hang cleans (135/95)
1min max effort back rack alt lunges (135/95)
1min rest
2min max effort hang cleans (115/75)
2min max effort back rack alt lunges (115/75)
2min rest
3min max effort hang cleans (95/65)
3min max effort back rack alt lunges (95/65)

Every time the bar is put down except for weight change, perform 5 burpees.

Your score is the total # of reps done (cleans + lunges).

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There’s no escaping it. Eating healthy meals at home takes time and it takes planning. The more spontaneous you are with figuring out what you’re going to have for dinner that night, the more likely you are to end up getting some version of take out that pales in comparison to the healthy meal you would have cooked if you had taken the time to go food shopping over the weekend.

A simple tip is to make sure you shop at least once a week and shop the perimeter of the store where you are more likely to find fresh foods. Here are a few more tips for planning a healthier week of meals.

Tags: back rack lunge, hang clean, sept

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