The 12 Days of Christmas! 🎅
As we always do, we’ll be tackling the annual ’12 Days of Christmas’ workout on Sunday morning!🎄
Items for the week…
- We are in week 6 of our new strength cycle, and will be using our 3RM back squat (Monday), bench press (Wednesday) and front squat (Thursday) numbers this week that we found last week.
- We will have 7am, 8am, and 9am classes on Sunday morning for the annual ’12 Days of Christmas’ workout.
- Our FIT360 classes will be Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30pm this week.
back squat: 3×5 @ 75% of 3RM
60 double unders
russian swings (53/35)
calorie row
60 double unders
rope climbs
30 ring rows
15 push presses (45% of 1RM push press)
400m/320m row
15 front squats (45% of 1RM push press)
30 push-ups
15 front squats (45% of 1RM push press)
400m/320m row
15 push presses (45% of 1RM push press)
30 ring rows
MIN 1 to 7: that many push-ups per minute
MIN 8 to 15: that many wall balls (20/14) per minute
MIN 16 to 23: that many rus. swings (53/35) per min
bench press: 3×7 @ 75% of 3RM
2 rope climbs
40 wall balls (20/14)
2 rope climbs
30 wall balls (20/14)
1 rope climb
20 push balls (20/14)
1 rope climb
10 push balls (20/14)
1000m row (re-test)
50-40-30-20-10 double unders
10-8-6-4-2 atomic sit-ups (25/15)
10-8-6-4-2 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
1 wall walk
10min EMOM
MIN 1: 5 kb presses (35/26) + 5 pull-ups
MIN 2: 30 second squat hold
1 minute rest
10min EMOM
MIN 1: 5 kb squats + 5 push-ups
MIN 2: 40 second wall sit (25/15)
front squat: 3×5 @ 75% of 3RM
4min AMRAP
5 thrusters (60% of 1RM)
10 mb sit-ups (20/14)
1 minute rest
4min AMRAP
5 single-arm kb thrusters (53/35)
15 russian swings (53/35)
1 minute rest
4min AMRAP
10 wall balls (20/14)
10 box jumps (20/16)
7AM / 8AM
30 single-arm kb lunges (53/35)
25 russian twists (20/14)
20 single-arm kb push presses (53/35)
15 strict pull-ups
10 burpees
Partner WOD
30 single-arm kb lunges (53/35)
25 russian twists (20/14)
20 single-arm kb push presses (53/35)
15 strict pull-ups
10 burpees
Partners can break up reps however they choose.
“12 Days of Christmas”
1 clean (135/95)
2 atomic sit-ups (25/15)
3 toes-to-bars
4 pull-ups
5 mb cleans (20/14)
6 goblet lunges (53/35)
7 russian swings (53/35)
8 push-ups
9 deadlifts (135/95)
10 box jumps (24/20)
11 goblet squats (53/35)
12 burpees to a plate
The movement order works like the song. Each round will always end with the 1 clean. So, you do 1, and 2-1, and then 3-2-1, and then 4-3-2-1, etc. You will complete the 1 clean 12 times, and you will complete the 12 burpees to a plate 1 time.