5 tempo front squats @ 60%, 5 @ 70% and 5 @ 80%
10min AMRAP
4 power cleans (135/95)
8 burpees
200m row
We are seeing a lot of front squat work recently, because our 1RM front squat is approaching soon. So, I thought I would offer a small checklist of things to work on when practicing at home (because I know you all are):
- elbows up – the bar’s weight should be resting on your shoulders w/ your fingertips acting as a guide to keep it from rolling around
- chest up – your elbows staying high will keep your chest from dropping down and forcing your lower back to support the bar’s weight
- back tight – keep your trunk nice and tight, no rounding of the back
- weight in the heels – just like in our air squats, keeping the weight in our heels prevents us from falling forward
- butt back – should be the first move as we descend to the ground
- knees out – make sure those knees are tracking directly over the toes, keeping them tight on the way down and back up