It's Re-Test Week!
Another week of re-testing our 1RM lifts has arrived. This week we will be re-testing our 1RM snatch, power snatch, and thruster and here are the whiteboards from our initial testing days.
Our next cycle is going to be the back squat and bench press on strength day, and the front squat and split jerk respectively on our other two strength session days.
NOTE: when available, we are going to be linking the movements in our weekly workouts to a Youtube video as a refresher of the exercise.
We all want to maintain our fast metabolism, right?! Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories to keep you alive and functioning. It’s a generally accepted belief that as you age, your resting metabolism slows –especially over age 40. The answer is less about age and more about lifestyle. Although your baseline resting metabolic rate may not have changed between ages 20 and 60, the factors involved in boosting other aspects of your metabolism — when you are not resting — likely changed, lowering your ability to metabolize fat, maximize the caloric burn from exercise, increase energy-burning muscle mass and get quality rest to enable metabolic processes. Take a look at this article from CNN for more details.
The Cliff Notes version is…
- Be active throughout the day.
- Do the right kinds of exercise.
- Fuel your body with protein and water.
- Get the rest you need.
power snatch: 1RM (re-test) (8 of 8)
30/20 calorie row
21 front squats (45% of 1RM; from rig)
3 rope climbs
core work
18min EMOM
MIN 1: 3-5 cleans (65% of 1RM)
MIN 2: 10-15 pull-ups
MIN 3: 40-50 double unders
thruster: 1RM (re-test) (8 of 8)
presses (50% of 1RM; from rig)
mb cleans (20/14)
russian swings (70/53)
500m row (time trial)
21min AMRAP
10 box jump overs (24/20)
10 single-arm kb thrusters (35/26)
10 kb snatches (35/26)
… E3MOM 3 burpees