
Week of 12/19/22

Merry Christmas, all! ๐ŸŽ…

We hope this holiday season is filled with family, friends, PRs, high fives, laughs, and your kids not getting you sick from school!

Items for the week…

  1. Our annual “12 Days of Christmas” is on Saturday (Christmas Eve). We will have 3 morning classes: 7am, 8am, 9am
  2. We will be closed Sunday (Christmas)
  3. On Monday we will have 7am, 8am, 9am classes.
  4. For the first time ever we will be taking two full weeks off from the strength cycle because we know schedules get crazy around the holidays, and we don’t want folks missing a whole bunch of strength days early on. Back-to-back deload weeks anyone?!

NOTE: Amit, when available, we are going to be linking the movements in our weekly workouts to a Youtube video as a refresher of the exercise.

rope climbs

600m-500m-400m-300m-200m row
12-10-8-6-4-2 pull-ups
12-10-8-6-4-2 step-overs (20;20/16;14)
12-10-8-6-4-2 atomic sit-ups (25/15)

core work

3 rounds
1 minute max russian swings (70/53)
1 minute max push-ups
1 minute max kb snatches (53/35)
1 minute max toes-to-bars
1 minute max single-arm kb thrusters (53/35)
1 minute rest

progressive wall ball work

Every 2:30 for minute on, 1 minute off x5
10 power cleans (95/65)
30 double unders
max calorie row
1 minute rest

3RM weighted push-up

10 deadlifts (60% of 1RM)
10 strict pull-ups

choice skill work

back squats (40% of 1RM)
ring dips
box jump overs (30/24)
3 minute rest
front squats (same weight)
russian swings
burpee box jumps (20/16)

“12 Days of Christmas”
1 clean (135/95)
2 goblet lunges (53/35)
3 toes-to-bars
4 atomic sit-ups (25/15)
5 ring rows
6 mb cleans (20/14)
7 russian swings (53/35)
8 push-ups
9 deadlifts (135/95)
10 box jumps (24/20)
11 goblet squats (53/35)
12 burpees to a plate


Tags: 12 days of christmas, dec

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(860) 944-0096
173 Washington Street, Morristown, NJ 07960

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