
Week of 12/27/21

New Year's Week

We hope everyone was able to enjoy time with family and friends in some capacity during this challenging time of year!

Items for the week…

  1. We are in week 3 of our strength cycle. We will be working this week off of last week’s 5RM clean, power clean, and deadlift numbers.
  2. It was requested that we bring the “choice skillwork” back, so we’re going to start mixing that in every other week again. What skill are you interested in working on?!
  3. We have an adjusted schedule this week for New Year’s…
    1. Friday, December 31 – regular schedule
    2. Saturday, January 1 – closed for New Year’s Day

NOTE: when available, we are going to be linking the movements in our weekly workouts to a Youtube video as a refresher of the exercise.

STRENGTH (week 3 of 8)
power clean: 5×5 @ 75% of 5RM

7min AMRAP
7 box jump overs (24/20)
7 mb cleans (20/14)
3 minute rest
7min AMRAP
7 box jumps (30/24)
7 mb squats (20/14)

8min EMOM halting clean deadlifts

10 hang power snatch (40% of 1RM power snatch)
20 sec l-sit from rig
8 bar facing burpees
250m/200m row
1 minute rest

STRENGTH (week 3 of 8)
back rack lunge: 3×8 @ 25% 1RM BS
clean: 5×5 @ 75% of 5RM

choice skillwork

800m-600-400-200 row
8-6-4-2 strict handstand push-ups
8-6-4-2 strict pull-ups
8-6-4-2 atomic sit-ups (25/15)
8-6-4-2 burpees
8-6-4-2 knees-to-elbows

STRENGTH (week 3 of 8)
deadlift: 5×5 @ 75% of 5RM

50 double unders
15 back squats (35% of 1RM BS)
15 russian swings (53/35)
15 front squats (same)
15 sit-ups (20/14)
2 wall walks
10 back squats (same)
10 russian swings (53/35)
10 front squats (same)
10 sit-ups (20/14)
50 double unders

Tags: dec, jan

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(860) 944-0096
173 Washington Street, Morristown, NJ 07960

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