5×3 overhead squats @ 50%
200m row
10 wall balls (20/14)
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Having visited a number of gyms since I began CrossFitting, a lot of what Patrick McCarty talks about in “The Right and Wrong Way to Welcome Visitors to a CrossFit Gym” sounds familiar. And even though I have never been training for anything in particular while traveling like he was, I could relate to his experience of some gyms being more welcoming than others. Especially the communication. How hard is it to answer an e-mail?
We have had a lot of out-of-town visitors in the past few months and we always do our best to treat others with the warmth and respect that we expect when traveling ourselves. I know some of our newer CFers have had the chance to drop in to CF gyms while traveling, but if you haven’t, I would absolutely recommend it. It’s always interesting to see how other gyms operate.
Great article Brian!!
Muchas gracias! Patrick does the hard work … I just find his tidbits of wisdom.