
WOD – 05/29/14

work on spring goals

35-30-25 air squats
25-20-15 MB cleans (20/14)
15-10-5 box jumps (24/20)

Time to re-visit that Spring Goal of yours! Keep chipping away at it.

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As more and more new faces start entering our gym, a) please introduce yourself! and b) it is important to know that everyone in our gym has been in the same place you are at some point. I said to one of our new members Emily last night that 90% of our gym went through the On-Ramp classes at CF13S. We are a new gym with a lot of new CrossFit athletes, and it is important to remember that. If you look around the room and are impressed at how efficient someone looks doing a movement, it is because they have made a consistent effort to come in and fine tune that skill. Youtube videos will only get you so far. Getting in the gym and failing time and time again until you get it right is the only thing that is going to help you improve. Practice, practice, practice.

That being said, I came across a blog article from 2012 called “The Five Emotional Stages of CrossFit” that highlights a new CrossFit athlete’s journey in the gym. I thought some might find helpful.

Tags: air squat, box jump, may, mb clean

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