
WOD – 06/29/18

Hang Power Clean: 3×3 @ 90% of 3RM

12min EMOM
8 strict presses (50% of 1RM)
collect 150 Russian swings (70/53) in remaining time

It takes dedicated hard work to drop a significant number of pounds. But afterwards it is incredibly easy (and frustrating!) to find those pounds creeping back on.

Maintaining fat loss is certainly possible, however it does require that you remain vigilant with your healthy routine.

Take a look at these 5 tips and aim to work them into your personal lifestyle rules. Stick with them even 80% of the time in an effort to keep the weight off and your health moving in a positive direction.

1. Don’t Eat Just To Eat

One of our afternoon athletes recently got a new job outside of the house, and said simply by not being at home and away from the snacks in the house he has lost weight. Snacking is fine, and a great way to sustain yourself between meals during the day, but always try to avoid bringing the whole bag. Know what you need and portion things out effectively ahead of time so we’re working to satiate ourselves, but not consume unnecessary calories.

2. Stand (and Walk) When Possible

Have you heard the saying sitting is the new smoking? The idea is that a lifetime of sitting all-day-every-day is as harmful to your body as smoking. Think for a moment about how much of your day is spent sitting.

You wake up and sit down for breakfast. You sit on the drive to work. You take the elevator up. You sit for most of 8 hours at work. You take the elevator down. You sit on the drive home. You sit to eat dinner. You sit to watch TV.

That’s quite a bit of time spent sitting! Now imagine if you consciously stood for some of this time each day and took the stairs instead of the elevator. Over weeks, and months, it really adds up in calories burned, muscles engaged, and overall fitness and health.

3. Avoid Processed Sugar

I might sound like a broken record about this one, but that’s OK, I’ll keep harping on this point until more people listen. Our bodies weren’t designed to ingest large amounts of sugar on a daily basis. When you regularly take in excess sugar the results are always the same. You. Gain. Weight.

The tricky part is that sugar is all around us, so avoiding it takes real vigilance.

Start with your morning beverage of choice. Does it have sugar in it? Most of the beverages that are blended and brewed at coffee shops are simply vehicles for ingesting sugar. Find a beverage that you enjoy without any added sugar and stick with the rule of not drinking sugary beverages throughout your day.

4. A Well-Balanced Meal

If you’re a visual person like me, then a good way to think about your meal is in four quarters.

Who says that dinner should be the biggest and heartiest meal of the day? Instead, focus on enjoying light dinners that are centered around protein and veggies and avoid starches and carbs in the evening.

The recipe below for Beet and Grapefruit Salad is a great example. Add a grilled chicken breast to a serving of this vibrant, fiber-filled salad and you have a nutritious dinner that’s light and healthy.

5. Always Exercise

Do you take a few weeks or months off from brushing your teeth? Probably not. You brush your teeth everyday as an ongoing habit because you know that the benefits outweigh the inconvenience.

Aim to think about your fitness in the same way.

Exercise only truly works when you do it as an ongoing habit because you know that the benefits outweigh the slight inconvenience. It is part of keeping you healthy.

Someone recently said in class that when you take too much time off from CrossFit it takes awhile to get fun again, because you’re starting pretty far back from where you were at when you left. We aim to make our community a fun and encouraging place that our members want to come to, and the best way to do that is to come visit us regularly!

Tags: hang power clean, june, kb swing, press, strength

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