A New Strength Cycle Is Upon Us!
We hope everyone had a great weekend, and a great holiday if you celebrate Easter! You all earned it after that deload week…
Items for the week…
- We are starting a new strength cycle this week, and the movements will be snatch (1RM) + front rack lunge (%), power snatch (1RM), and bench press (1RM).
- The competition skill prep on Tuesday will be focusing on the four movements that seem to be the most challenging for folks in the 13’s Fittest programming: wall walks, double unders, handstand push-ups, and burpee pull-ups/pull-ups.
NOTE: when available, we are going to be linking the movements in our weekly workouts to a Youtube video as a refresher of the exercise.
bench press: 1RM (test)
Last done 05/27/01.
strict pull-ups
front-to-back lunges (1-for-1)
box jump overs (24/20)
competition prep skill work
30 knees-to-elbows
45 mb cleans (20/14)
15 strict handstand push-ups
1 minute rest
60/45 calorie row
1 minute rest
3 rounds
10 knees-to-elbows
15 mb cleans (20/14)
5 strict handstand push-ups
front rack lunge: 2×10 @ 25% of 1RM front squat
snatch: 1RM (test)
Last done on 10/01/21.
9-8-7-6-5 unbroken toes-to-bars (4 of 6) or
16-14-12-10-8 unbroken push-ups (4 of 6)
16min EMOM
MIN 1: 12 wall balls (20/14)
MIN 2: 9 calorie row
MIN 3: 6 russian swing to goblet squats (53/35)
MIN 4: 3 burpee box jump overs (30/24)
power snatch: 1RM (test)
Last done 09/27/01.
45 double unders
21 front squats (45% of 1RM; from rig)
3 rope climbs