
WOD – 01/07/19

3×5 ring rows, feet-elevated ring rows, negatives

5min AMRAP
80 double unders
12 kb push presses (35/26)
8 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
2 minutes rest
5min AMRAP
60 double unders
10 kb push presses (35/26)
6 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
2 minutes rest
5min AMRAP
40 double unders
8 kb push presses (35/26)
4 burpee box jump overs (24/20)

The 5 minutes includes the jumping rope, but you only complete the jumping rope one time. You have to complete it before moving on to the couplet which is then an AMRAP of those 2 movements.

Tags: burpee box jump over, jan, kb push press

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