
WOD – 02/13/15

hang power clean 3 @ 80%, 3 @ 85%, 3 @ 90%
1RM push press

The bear complexes and the snatches have to be done first and last, respectively, but the three (3) movements in the middle can be broken up however you would like.

Folks are starting to ask about The CrossFit Open and the workouts that are going to be released each week starting February 26th. The Open WODs will not be the daily WOD, but we are going to be opening up the gym Friday nights at 5:30pm and 6:30pm to any of our members who would like to give the workout a shot. Both WODs will be made available on the Friday WOD post. You can register here for $20 if you would like to make it official. But if not, you are still welcome to come and work up a sweat on Friday night, or come and cheer on the members who are partaking, and then head out and grab some grub and libations with us afterwards at a local watering hole!

Tags: feb, hang power clean, push press, strength

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