
WOD – 09/23/15

2RNFT – core work
20 seated leg raise toe touches (each leg)
15 T2B from floor (feet don’t touch ground)
10 v-ups
5 sec l-sit hold on paralettes

800m run
front rack lunges (50% of 1RM OHS; 2-for-1)
overhead squat (same weight)
bar muscle-ups
800m run

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Many of us are interested in eating healthy to look better or to feel better in our everyday lives, but what about eating better to improve our longevity? Avoiding processed sugar can play a big role in avoiding long term illness and disease including, as this article claims, cancer. Smart decisions now mean healthier bodies down the road! September is a great time to reconsider what you’ve indulged in over the summer and kick the sugar out of your diet.

And we have our next Paleo Challenge starting October 1st!

Tags: bar muscle-up, core work, overhead squat, run, sept

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