
WOD – 11/09/17

5×3 bear complex

A bear complex is a power clean, a front squat, a push press, a back squat and finishing with another push press to the front rack before putting the barbell down. Focus on your technique here, and use this as a segue from our squat cycle into our clean cycle.

16min EMOM
8 left kb snatches + 8 goblet squats (even)
8 right kb snatches + 8 kb swings (odd)

Deemed “Kettlebell Death” by Evans, a variation of this WOD was last done on 10/20/16. The time domain was increased by 2 min, and each move was decreased by 2 reps. If you remember what you used last time, aim to go heavier this time! The whiteboard from 10/20/16 can be found here.

Tags: bear complex, goblet squat, kb snatch, nov

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