
Week of 09/13/21

20 Years Ago

Thank you to everyone who came out to Jess’s Saturday 9/11 Memorial WOD! It was great to see so many folks working together to honor those that were lost 20 years ago.

Julie has another community workout planned for those interested in a challenge, so keep an eye out for that coming up!

It has never been a better time to find healthy ways to boost our immune system! One of the keys to maintaining good health is to strengthen the immune system, which is responsible for dealing with viruses, bacteria, parasites and other micro-organisms that can enter the body and alter the normal functioning of the organism. Take a look at this Tododisca article about the various ways we can improve our immune system in our daily routines.

The Cliff Notes version is…

  1. a diet rich in vegetables and fruit
  2. exercise
  3. avoiding alcohol
  4. controlling body weight
  5. proper rest
  6. avoiding stressors

power snatch: 5×3 @ 75% of 3RM

21/18 calorie row
15 thrusters (50% of 1RM)
9 burpees over parallette
1 minute rest

pushing and pulling work

20min EMOM
20 double unders
4 burpees
max back squats (40% of 1RM)

deadlift: 3×5 @ 80% of 1RM
snatch: 5×3 @ 75% of 3RM

6-5-4-3-2 unbroken toes-to-bars (1 of 6) or
10-8-6-4-2 unbroken push-ups (1 of 6)

400m run
15-12-9-6-3 handstand push-ups
10 mb cleans (20/14)

thruster: 5×3 @ 75% of 3RM

12min AMRAP
10 toes-to-bars
10 wall balls (20/14)
10 kb snatches (53/35)
10 double unders

Tags: schedule, sept

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