
WOD – 04/01/16

Overhead Squat: 1RM … (get excited, Craig)!

10 front squats (185/135)
20 bar muscle-ups
30 1-arm kb snatches (53/35; each hand)
40 sit-ups (45/25)
50 burpees
1 mile run
50 wall balls (20/14)
40 T2B
30 back squats (155/115)
20 medball cleans (20/14)
10 overhead squats (135/95)

This will be a true test to see who actually reads this whole post, as that above silliness is definitely due to it being April 1st. Tomorrow’s workout is actually sprints and a 21-15-9 of push presses, overhead walking kb lunges and bar-facing burpees.

Helpful Links:
Hopefully you saw through that workout’s charade immediately. If you were actually interested in tackling it, I just saved you a trip to the hospital. Take a look at this post which talks about this type of “nonsense” (as Craig would say):

Tags: apr, burpee, lunge, push press, sprints

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