
WOD – 04/04/14

5 front squats @ 50%, 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%
10min squat snatch cluster

A cluster of any bar movement is 1 rep every minute for 10 minutes, and whether you are brand new or not it helps to remember that the purpose of a cluster is to find a challenging weight for yourself where you will begin to get fatigued during the 5th and 6th round. By the 7th round the weight should become close to failure, and by the 8th and 9th (at the latest) you should be failing. If you fail by the 6th round, you went to heavy, but if you can make it to the 10th round then you went too light.

Start with a challenging weight right from the jump. This is not a workout where you want to continually be moving weight on and off. Find a challenging, but manageable weight, that you are able to maintain good form with for the entire workout.

The cluster is always the first time we are going to see a bar movement in our strength progression, so test yourself with the cluster, as this will give you a good idea of where you should be at, weight-wise, when we see this move again for the 5 rep max.

Tags: front squat, mar, snatch, strength

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