
WOD – 04/13/18

3×10 snatch grip bulgarian split squat

Barbell overhead in snatch grip during split squats. We are focusing on individual leg strength and stability as much as we are working on our balance.

30min AMRAP
400m run
10 handstand push-ups
400m row
30 sec forward leaning rest on rings

The goal for this workout is to learn how to control our engine with the aim to maintain a consistent pace for as much of this 30 minutes as we can. Learning to control ourselves across a longer period of time will allow us the knowledge to know how hard we can go for the shorter 8-12 min metcons.

Do you keep up with new trends in the world of fitness? There always seems to be a headline proclaiming the latest and greatest trend, each promising to be the solution that you have always needed.

Of course, these trends pass with the seasons, quickly being replaced with something newer and more popular.

Today I would like you to consider the only trend that really matters to your health and fitness progress: the trend of your own behavior.

Here is what I mean: Have you ever noticed how easy it is to do the same thing today as you did yesterday? This applies to both your activity level and your diet.

– If you got up at 5am yesterday to get in a workout, then getting up at 5am again today is going to be pretty easy. However, if you slept in until 7am yesterday then getting up at 5am today is going to be much more difficult.

– If you ate pizza and beer for dinner last night, then eating pizza and beer is going to feel pretty natural. However, if you ate grilled chicken and broccoli for dinner last night, then eating a salad and grilled fish for dinner is going to feel easy.

Remember learning about inertia in school? Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion. This has incredible application to your fitness journey.

The longer you can maintain a healthy fitness trend in your own behavior, the easier it will become to maintain that trend.

I have had a number of conversations since we have opened about how important it is to maintain your routine, and the longer you take a break, the harder it is to come back. So, the next time you are going on vacation, stay active while you are away. The next time you are feeling a twinge in your shoulder, come in and we will modify around it. Don’t stop moving. Don’t stop coming. Rest is important, but too much rest leads to sedentary lifestyle.

This simple concept, of maintaining your own daily fitness trend, is the way to continue towards your goal, to avoid setbacks, and to maintain your forward momentum.

Want accountability? We are ALWAYS here to help! Every coach here wants to help you in any way we can to make sure you stay focused, see progress, learn daily and keep moving forward.

Let us help!

Tags: apr, hspu, row, run

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