
WOD – 06/23/14

30 second plank
20 leg raises
40 flutter kicks

4 10m sprints
5 burpee broad jumps
10 spider man push ups

In place of a particular skill, we are going to work on some general core strength tomorrow before our workout. A strong trunk is going to help us in everything from keeping a good plank during our push-ups to stabilizing ourselves with a straight back during our cleans. Always a work in progress!

Helpful Links:
During the Paleo Challenge we encouraged all members to drink half of their bodyweight in ounces per day. This is a good rule of thumb during the hot months that have arrived (and are yet to come), and is actually the first helpful tip in WOD Superstore’s “Hydration For High Intensity Exercise In the Heat” article.

Tags: broad jump, burpee, push-up, sprints

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