power snatch 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 80%, 5 @ 85%
800m run
21 wall balls (20/14)
15 pull-ups
400m run
15 wall balls (20/14)
12 pull-ups
200m run
12 wall balls (20/14)
9 pull-ups
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Some foam rolling tips from Catalyst Athletics to prepare for Olympic Weightlifting movements and, in particular, Thursday’s power snatches. The article covers tips for the thoracic spine, quads, hamstrings, underarms, glutes, and a few other areas.
If for nothing else read it for the straightforwardness of the writing … “I’m confident that at least a few readers will know of some research that shows that pre-workout foam rolling causes an immediate 100 kg reduction in squatting strength and increases the likelihood of contracting gonorrhea by 300%, so let me just assure you right now: I don’t care.”