3×5 bulgarian split squats
3min of bench press (95/65)
3min of sit-ups (20/14)
2min of bench press (95/65)
2min of sit-ups (20/14)
1min of bench press (95/65)
1min of sit-ups (20/14)
The last time we hosted a Civilian Military Combine meet-up WOD we only did it during the 5:30pm class, but we want to make sure everyone has a chance to see what the opening stage of the CMC (aka THE PIT) is like so we will be hosting this WOD all day long tomorrow. You can also see it in action in the photo above. I know we already have a number of members signed up for the September 27th event in Brooklyn, but if you are interested in hearing more about the CMC visit their website at!