
WOD – 12/19/18

Split Jerk: 5×5 @ 90% 5RM

3 rounds of… (Rx)
3 min max effort strict pull-ups
3 min max effort presses (95/65)
30 sec max effort calorie row
max l-sit hold from parallettes

3 rounds of… (Scaled)
3 min max effort hang from the rig
3 min max effort presses (65/45)
30 sec max effort calorie row
max plank hold

This is a workout where we will be moving at our own pace. The coach will keep the pace for the whole class, and the goal is to work on movements at a lower intensity.

You should choose one track or the other if possible. Choose a track where you are able to complete at least 10 presses in the 3 minute block of the given weight.

The pull-ups and presses don’t need to be unbroken. The row is a sprint. The l-sit and plank is done unbroken.

Tags: dec, press, pull-up, row, split jerk, strength

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