New Strength Cycle + New Classes
Our new strength cycle is starting this week and it will consist of press (1RM) + hang power clean (%), push press (1RM), and thruster (1RM).
We are also going to be adding two Sunday classes on a trial basis. Starting March 15, we will be adding an 8am and 9am class. We will be scheduling it through the beginning of the summer, and then re-evaluating it based on attendance. We have had a lot of folks asking about Sunday morning classes, so we hope you will all take advantage!
Both classes will be individual workouts, and will follow the longer, endurance, FIT360 style workouts that we are familiar with on Saturdays. For now, these two hours will be strictly classes, but we know folks are interested in Open Gym as well. So if class numbers allow space for others in the room to work on their own we are fine with that, and will announce when we are going to move forward with that as well.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the poll regarding 24 hour access. We are going to start with Sunday classes, and see if that scratches the itch, as we know a lot of folks are interested in more access to the gym on the weekend.