
WOD – 02/04/15


30 sit-ups
15 pistols
25 ring rows
15 pistols
20 chest touches
15 pistols
15 burpees

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As the general public has gotten smarter about what products they are buying, and taking a look at the ingredients list before they do so, companies have had to get sneakier about what they are calling ingredients in order to essentially make the same product but mask the same old ingredients. Pop Sugar (no relation to the article) recently put a post together called “46 Sneaky Names For Sugar” and it has a great list of sugar-esque items, as well as a number of other facts pertaining to sugar.

And semi-related, I saw a photo online this week that someone took of a product that had “CALCIUM” plastered across the top of the packaging, and upon further investigation the alcium % in the Nutritional Facts section was 0%. It pays to look at what you’re buying.

Tags: burpee, feb, pistol, ring row, sit-up

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