
WOD – 08/01/14

5×3 power clean @ 75%
1RM bench press

Helpful Info:
I am sure that everyone has heard the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And there is a reason for that … it is! When you skip breakfast or limit your intake, you are prolonging your body’s natural fasting duration. This results in increase insulin responses which ultimately leads to your body storing more fat. A key to staying satisfied is making sure your breakfast contains protein. A study reported in Obesity Research, found that women who added a little lean protein to their breakfast felt less hunger during the next four hours than those who ate a breakfast without protein. The group eating more protein – about 30% of total calories – kept more muscle than the group who ate the same number of calories but less protein.

Benefits to eating breakfast include:

  • Keeping your metabolism working at a higher rate throughout the day
  • Blood sugar levels rise and remain higher for longer
  • Increase energy level throughout the entire day
  • Significant improvement in concentration and productivity levels
  • More strength and endurance to engage in physical activity

Tags: aug, bench press, power clean, strength

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