
WOD – 07/09/18

mile run (re-test)

Last done on 05/10/18.

21 burpees over parallettes
21 presses (65% of 1RM)
3 rope climbs
15 burpees over parallettes
15 push presses (same weight)
2 rope climbs
9 burpees over parallettes
9 push jerks (same weight)
1 rope climb

If you are going on vacation this summer, but would like to stay focused with your nutrition, take a look at these 3 tips for enjoying yourself without derailing your progress!

1. Choose where you stand carefully.

Standing and socializing by the table with all the chips, dips and snacks will make you much more likely to over eat. Even just seeing the chips out of the corner of your eye within arms length is going to slowly chip away at your will power. Take your conversation to somewhere snack free and don’t even face the direction of the food.

2. Do not fast before you go.

I often hear of people “saving” or “hoarding” their food to be able to indulge at an event. This almost never goes as planned and more likely ends up in over eating or snacking on calorie dense foods that are not satisfying. Head to your party already a little full (I usually opt for a higher protein lower carb meal right before) and you will be more likely to make conscious choices and use moderation.

3. Things to think about if you are going to drink.

The summer is pretty synonymous with a couple beers or a cocktail. This is totally okay to enjoy! If you choose to do so take these things into consideration: bring with you calorie free mix-ins (ex. La Croix, Zevia, Crystal Light) just in case the party doesn’t have any, try and drink a glass of water for every drink (especially if you are in the sun), set how many drinks you are going to have BEFORE you go limiting the amounts of decisions you need to make when your inhibitions are lowered. If you are opting out of drinking a great tip is to always have a drink in your hand (ex. water with lime) so that people are less likely to offer you one. We all know saying no in those situations is really hard! This way you can explain that you already have one.

Taken from

Tags: burpee, july, mile, press, push press, rope climb

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