
WOD – 08/05/13

3RNFT of max rep strict pull-ups
1min on/1min off

100m sprint
5 burpee bar muscle-ups
7 overhead squats (95/65)

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A lot of anti-CrossFit fitness folks like to talk about how CrossFit does a very good job of giving new athletes beginning gains, but does a bad job of allowing athletes to continue those gains. Where I do agree that folks make very big improvements to their health and fitness very early on, I don’t agree that is impossible to keep doing so. The gains just do not come as quickly, and you need to constantly fine tine what you’re doing to make sure you are always moving in a positive direction. This article from Breaking Muscle talks about how it is important to focus on the small details so you are not sacrificing quality for quantity, because as loads get heavier (for instance) the quality of your lift becomes a lot more important than the quantity.

Tags: aug, overhead squat, pull-up, sprints, strength

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