
WOD – 10/13/14

rope climb

12min AMRAP
1 rope climb
3 back squats (225/155)


Random Thoughts:
Anyone who knows Julie and I know that we never miss an episode of The Biggest Loser. The methods by which folks lose weight on the show have come under fire many times, but I still think the process of helping these people, and how successful these trainers are at doing it, is always something special to see. Recently Mike Murburg from the red team lost nine pounds and afterwards he said…

“I’m starting to let go of grief. And the flip side of that is you open your life up to joy.”

… and that was something that stuck with me. Mike was a big guy to begin with, but after he lost his son his eating habits and health deteriorated even more. Folks gain weight and struggle with their health for a variety of reasons, but that is very rarely something that can not be reversed. Mike is proof that health and fitness can change your life if you let it. You just need to take that first step.

Tags: back squat, hspu, oct, rope climb

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Week of October 13th
WOD – 10/14/14

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