
WOD – 05/16/19

8 rounds – core work
30 second bent knee hollow hold
10 lemon squeezes

16min EMOM
MIN 1: atomic sit-ups (20/14; with medball)
MIN 2: push press (115/75; from rig)
MIN 3: mb clean to wall ball (20/14)
MIN 4: front squat (115/75; from rig)
… 10, 9, 8, 7 reps

20 mb thrusters (20/14)
20 sit-ups
25 double unders / 50 singles
15 mb thrusters (20/14)
15 sit-ups
25 double unders / 50 singles
10 mb thrusters (20/14)
10 sit-ups
25 double unders / 50 singles
5 mb thrusters (20/14)
5 sit-ups
25 double unders / 50 singles

Tags: atomic sit-up, core, may, push press, strength

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