
WOD – 12/04/14


50 double unders
30 kb swings (53/35)
30 pull-ups
30 box jumps (24/20)
30 burpees
30 T2B
50 double unders

Helpful Links:
I have talked a lot in my classes about the kettlebell swing, and how important it is to keep your back straight whether you are doing an American or Russian style swing. The Box Magazine recently posted a list of the benefits of the swing, not only for strength, but also for core stability and improved mobility.

I’m sure most of you have heard me say “slight dip, and lots of hips” at least once. The hips are the driving force in a kettlebell swing, and should be utilized with each and every rep. If you ever find yourself bending backwards to get that kettlebell up and over head … you are either not using the hips your mama gave you or it’s too heavy and you need to decrease your weight. Be smart about it.

Tags: burpee, dec, double under, pull-up

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