OHWL (45/25)
bench press (95/65)
90sec break
ring dips
back squat (115/85)
90sec break
bar-facing burpees
deadlift (135/105)
24hr break
Use the breaks wisely! They will be used to recover, to load your bar, and to move any necessary equipment around.
Helpful Links:
The idea for the next Paleo Challenge started getting thrown around today, and where we ALWAYS encourage you to eat clean I know we sometimes fall off the wagon. I came across T-Nation’s article “10 Mistakes Women Make With Diets” (sorry, gents) and thought it would be good reading for those looking to get back on the straight and narrow, if things haven’t been working (diet-wise) and you aren’t sure why, or if you just need some tough love from your computer screen.