
WOD – 08/08/19

5×5 weighted box jumps + 5×5 front rack step-ups

With a weighted jump we are trying to recruit the same explosiveness we need out of the bottom of a squat. Just as we won’t have a chance to build up momentum in the bottom of a squat, try and start from as static of a position as you can before jumping up to the box. Use a weighted vest. If you are still working on standard, unloaded box jumps, then challenge yourself to a higher jump with no added weight.

3 front squats + 3 shoulder-to-overheads (@ 70% of 1RM push press)
… 5 burpee penalty for re-racking mid-complex!
15 double unders

500m row
100 double unders
30 burpees
400m row
75 double unders
20 burpees
300m row
50 double unders
10 burpees

The singles 2x double unders for this workout. So the scale for double unders will be 200, 150, and 100 single unders.

Tags: aug, august, box jump, burpee, double under, front squat

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