
WOD – 10/01/15

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Partner WOD:
15 thrusters (115/75)
20 strict T2B
25 power cleans (115/75)
30 HRPUs
100 double unders / 300 singles
30 HRPUs
25 power cleans (115/75)
20 strict T2B
15 thrusters (115/75)

Only one partner works at a time. Ideally, find a partner who can do the same weight as you to avoid having to setup 2 bars per couple.

Helpful Links:
A lengthy article from The Box Magazine, but a thorough explanation of what is going on inside your body during and after a CrossFit workout.

“It seems to be a fairly common belief among athletes who transition into CrossFit from other athletic pursuits that they’ll somehow become weaker in exercises at which they previously excelled. This is rarely the case.”

Tags: double under, oct, push press, strength, thruster

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