5×5 bulgarian split squats (53/35)
30 box jumps (24/20)
30 kb swings (53/35)
30 jump squats
30 push press (75/45; from the rig)
30 sit-ups (20/14)
30 wall balls (20/14)
… a 200m run every 4 minutes
If folks can stay after the 6:30pm class, or come in at night to help, I am looking for a group of folks to help us with some CMC (Civilian Military Combine) planning tomorrow night at 7:30pm. More the merrier!
Helpful Links:
We get asked a lot about workouts that our members can do on the road. And my suggestion, if possible, is to get your hands on a kettlebell, because there are so many different movements and variations of those movements that you can put together for a fantastic fully body workout: