
WOD – 07/08/19

3RNFT – core work
10 side plank rotations (1-for-1)
10 hip taps from side plank
10 second l-sit hold from parallettes
10 ankles touches (2-for-1)

21min EMOM
MIN 1: 3 FSs > 3 HPCs > 3 S2OH (from rig)
MIN 2: 1 muscle-up + 5 strict dips
MIN 3: 10 burpees over parallettes

The weight for MIN 1 will be 50% of 1RM push press and done from the rig.

3 400m runs
50 air squats
50 push-ups
50 lunges
200 double unders / 300 singles

The reps can be broken up however you want, in any order that you want.

Tags: burpee, core, front squat, july, muscle-up

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