
WOD – 07/13/16

Split Jerk: 5×3 @ 90% of 3RM

3 rounds of…
10 kb push press (35/26; 1 kb in each hand)
10 kb sumo deadlift high-pull (53/35)
10 kb swings (53/35)
400m run

Helpful Info:
Stay hydrated. Your body needs water to exercise efficiently, and to transport blood, oxygen and nutrients to the muscles you’re using. You’ll have more energy, and your workout will feel easier if you replace the fluids you’re losing through breath and sweat. More importantly, drinking water can prevent dehydration, which can be dangerous. Every person’s needs are different, but aim for 17 to 20 ounces 2 to 3 hours before, and 8 more ounces 20 minutes before you exercise; and drink 8 ounces within 30 minutes of completing your workout. You can also drink 7 to 10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise but, if you tend to get cramps from drinking too much water, hydrate before and after, and only take small sips during.

Tips: Be aware of the symptoms of dehydration — chills, high heart rate, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, dry mouth, clammy skin; stop and drink water if you experience any symptoms.

Tags: july, kb push press, kb swing, run, split jerk

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