
WOD – 12/15/14

30 clean & jerks (135/95)

This is our first time tackling “Grace“, a popular benchmark WOD that is 30 cleans (starting from the floor, but passing through a squat is not necessary) and 30 jerks (can be either split or push).

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This article from The Box Magazine was recently passed along to me, and it reminded me of the one fundamental idea that everyone at CF13S should have: I’m here to get better. And “better” can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people, but in the end if you are going to short-change yourself then you are not hurting anyone but yourself. One of our original members told me awhile ago that he does not care where he finishes in the class anymore, but just that he does finish and that he tries to adhere to the standard of each movement as closely as he can. Everyone’s going to get tired, and towards the end of a workout movements may not be as crisp and clean as they were in minute 1 … but step back, take a breath, re-group, run through a checklist in your mind and get back to you. Focus on you, nobody else.

Tags: benchmark, dec, grace

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