3RNFT – core work
10 sit-ups (20/14; out-stretched arms whole time)
10 bird dogs (each side, 3sec pause each time)
10 strict T2B
10 second l-sit hold from paralettes
1 power clean (75% of 1RM) every 30sec for 5min
3min rest
400m run
3 rounds of…
20 kb swings (53/35)
15 box jumps (24/20)
10 ring push-ups
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For awhile now, Coca-Cola has been trying to convince people that it’s not their products that are bad, but the lack of exercise in their users’ diets. This HuffPost article shows that Coca-Cola has been trying to partner itself with groups that will convince folks this is the case, all while claiming to not have a controlling stake in their operations.