
WOD – 10/15/18

Thruster: 5×5 @ 5RM

3 minutes of max effort calorie row
2 minutes rest
3 minutes of max effort wall balls (20/14)
2 minutes rest
3 minutes of max effort sit-ups

This is our monthly re-test for September. Last done 09/12/18.

“No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.” – Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Peace Prize winner for cancer discovery

Here are 9 easy ways to help alkaline your body…

1. eat a lot of greens
2. drink lemon water in the morning
3. snack on almonds and berries
4. go for a walk
5. stop consuming processed sugars
6. stop consuming processed meals
7. decrease meat intake
8. increase vegetables and sprouts intake
9. smile often

Tags: oct, row, sit-up, strength, thruster, wall ball

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Week of October 15th
WOD – 10/16/18

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